
1.1 目录结构


2.1 流程定义

2.1.1 错误状态码

func main() {
	resp := commands.Execute(os.Args[1:])

	if resp.Err != nil {
		if resp.IsUserError() {

os.Exit(-1) 程序的退出状态码不在 0~255 之间,会自动做转换,转换的规则如下[1]

  • 当指定的退出时状态码为负数:
256 - (|code| % 256)
  • 当指定的退出时状态码为正数:
code % 256

由此程序退出的状态码为 255。

2.1.2 CLI 命令

// commands/commands.go
func (b *commandsBuilder) addAll() *commandsBuilder {

   return b

所有的 cmd handler 继承自 basecmd,实现了 cmder 接口:

// commands/helpers.go
type cmder interface {
	flagsToConfig(cfg config.Provider)
	getCommand() *cobra.Command

// commands/commands.go
func (b *commandsBuilder) addAll() *commandsBuilder {

	return b

func (b *commandsBuilder) build() *hugoCmd {
	// 添加主 hugo 命令
	h := b.newHugoCmd()
	// 将命令数组添加进 cobra 的 Root Command 中, 作为子命令
	addCommands(h.getCommand(), b.commands...)
	return h

2.2 渲染初始化

执行 Hugo 命令时进行的初始化加载

// 创建 hugoCmd 封装块
func (b *commandsBuilder) newHugoCmd() *hugoCmd {
	cc := &hugoCmd{}

	cc.baseBuilderCmd = b.newBuilderCmd(&cobra.Command{
		Use:   "hugo",
		Short: "hugo builds your site",
		Long: `hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.

Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.

Complete documentation is available at http://gohugo.io/.`,

		// 执行渲染操作
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			// 记录全局操作耗时
			defer cc.timeTrack(time.Now(), "Total")
			cfgInit := func(c *commandeer) error {
				if cc.buildWatch {
					// 如果开启了 watch 模式则关闭动态重载
					c.Set("disableLiveReload", true)
				return nil

			// 初始化配置
			c, err := initializeConfig(true, cc.buildWatch, &cc.hugoBuilderCommon, cc, cfgInit)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			cc.c = c

			// 编译操作
			return c.build()

2.2.1 配置文件加载

// hugolib/config.go

	for _, configDir := range configDirs {
		err := afero.Walk(sourceFs, configDir, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
			if fi == nil || err != nil {
				return nil

			if fi.IsDir() {
				dirnames = append(dirnames, path)
				return nil

			// 检查文件后缀是否是支持的格式
			if !config.IsValidConfigFilename(path) {
				return nil

			// 文件名, 移除文件后缀
			name := helpers.Filename(filepath.Base(path))

			// 加载文件内容到 map
			item, err := metadecoders.Default.UnmarshalFileToMap(sourceFs, path)
			if err != nil {
				return l.wrapFileError(err, path)

			var keyPath []string

			// 如果不是 hugo 的 config 文件
			if name != "config" {
				// Can be params.jp, menus.en etc.
				// 如果文件还有后缀, 可能是语言后缀
				name, lang := helpers.FileAndExtNoDelimiter(name)

				keyPath = []string{name}

				// 如果语言后缀存在
				if lang != "" {
					// 填充语言文件夹路径
					keyPath = []string{"languages", lang}
					switch name {
					case "menu", "menus":
						keyPath = append(keyPath, "menus")
					case "params":
						keyPath = append(keyPath, "params")

			root := item
			if len(keyPath) > 0 {
				root = make(map[string]interface{})
				m := root

				// 遍历形成层级关系

				// 遍历语言文件夹的路径
				// i 从 0 开始
				for i, key := range keyPath {
					// 如果 i >= 最后一个元素的 index
					if i >= len(keyPath)-1 {
						// 将文件内容填充到 key 下面
						m[key] = item
					} else {
						nm := make(map[string]interface{})
						m[key] = nm
						m = nm

			// Migrate menu => menus etc.

			// 合并配置文件
			if err := v.MergeConfigMap(root); err != nil {
				return l.wrapFileError(err, path)

			return nil

遍历配置文件夹、以及加载配置文件(yaml/toml/json 后缀)到 Map 中,使用 Viper 的 MergeConfigMap 载入配置,包含语言、菜单配置。

// hugolib/hugo_sites.go
// 创建 sites 的配置
func createSitesFromConfig(cfg deps.DepsCfg) ([]*Site, error) {
	var sites []*Site

	// 获取多语言配置
	languages := getLanguages(cfg.Cfg)

	for _, lang := range languages {
		if lang.Disabled {
		var s *Site
		var err error
		cfg.Language = lang
		// 为每个语言创建一个 site
		s, err = newSite(cfg)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		sites = append(sites, s)

	return sites, nil

为每个语言生成一个 Site。

2.2.2 内容加载


// hugolib/site.go
// 初始化
func (s *Site) prepareInits() {
	s.init = &siteInit{}

	var init lazy.Init

	// 回调函数
	s.init.prevNext = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		// 获取 pages
		regularPages := s.RegularPages()
		for i, p := range regularPages {
			np, ok := p.(nextPrevProvider)
			if !ok {

			pos := np.getNextPrev()
			if pos == nil {

			pos.nextPage = nil
			pos.prevPage = nil

			if i > 0 {
				pos.nextPage = regularPages[i-1]

			if i < len(regularPages)-1 {
				pos.prevPage = regularPages[i+1]
		return nil, nil

	s.init.prevNextInSection = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		var sections page.Pages
		s.home.treeRef.m.collectSectionsRecursiveIncludingSelf(pageMapQuery{Prefix: s.home.treeRef.key}, func(n *contentNode) {
			sections = append(sections, n.p)

		setNextPrev := func(pas page.Pages) {
			for i, p := range pas {
				np, ok := p.(nextPrevInSectionProvider)
				if !ok {

				pos := np.getNextPrevInSection()
				if pos == nil {

				pos.nextPage = nil
				pos.prevPage = nil

				if i > 0 {
					pos.nextPage = pas[i-1]

				if i < len(pas)-1 {
					pos.prevPage = pas[i+1]

		for _, sect := range sections {
			treeRef := sect.(treeRefProvider).getTreeRef()

			var pas page.Pages
			treeRef.m.collectPages(pageMapQuery{Prefix: treeRef.key + cmBranchSeparator}, func(c *contentNode) {
				pas = append(pas, c.p)


		// The root section only goes one level down.
		treeRef := s.home.getTreeRef()

		var pas page.Pages
		treeRef.m.collectPages(pageMapQuery{Prefix: treeRef.key + cmBranchSeparator}, func(c *contentNode) {
			pas = append(pas, c.p)


		return nil, nil

	s.init.menus = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return nil, nil

	s.init.taxonomies = init.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		err := s.pageMap.assembleTaxonomies()
		return nil, err


3.1 interface 实现约束

代码中有多处使用如下方式在编译时约束 interface 被实现。

var _ cmder = (*newCmd)(nil)


var _ cmder = &newCmd{}
var _ cmder = newCmd{}

3.2 防抖

package debounce

import (

// New returns a debounced function that takes another functions as its argument.
// This function will be called when the debounced function stops being called
// for the given duration.
// The debounced function can be invoked with different functions, if needed,
// the last one will win.
func New(after time.Duration) func(f func()) {
	d := &debouncer{after: after}

	return func(f func()) {

type debouncer struct {
	mu    sync.Mutex
	after time.Duration
	timer *time.Timer

func (d *debouncer) add(f func()) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()

    // 如果正在延时中,取消当前延时,添加新的延时
	if d.timer != nil {
	d.timer = time.AfterFunc(d.after, f)

防抖函数的使用类似 React Hooks。

f := func()
run := debounce.New(f)

在 Istio 源码中,处理 XDS 推流时也会进行防抖处理。

3.2 LIFO 队列

// LIFO 队列,溢出的元素会从顶部移除
// 没有主动删除元素的方法
// EvictingStringQueue is a queue which automatically evicts elements from the head of
// the queue when attempting to add new elements onto the queue and it is full.
// This queue orders elements LIFO (last-in-first-out). It throws away duplicates.
// Note: This queue currently does not contain any remove (poll etc.) methods.
type EvictingStringQueue struct {
	size int
	vals []string // 储存真实的数据
	set  map[string]bool // 表示是否已经存在
	mu   sync.Mutex

// NewEvictingStringQueue creates a new queue with the given size.
func NewEvictingStringQueue(size int) *EvictingStringQueue {
	return &EvictingStringQueue{size: size, set: make(map[string]bool)}

// Add adds a new string to the tail of the queue if it's not already there.
func (q *EvictingStringQueue) Add(v string) {
	// 已经存在
	if q.set[v] {

	// 数量达到最大限制
	if len(q.set) == q.size {
		// Full
		// 移除了 0 号元素的占位符
		delete(q.set, q.vals[0])
		// :0 取空数组,1:取不包含第一个元素的其余元素
		// 移除了数组 0 号元素
		q.vals = append(q.vals[:0], q.vals[1:]...)
	// 表示存在
	q.set[v] = true
	// 最新插入的值在数组最后
	// 是队列结构
	q.vals = append(q.vals, v)

// Contains returns whether the queue contains v.
func (q *EvictingStringQueue) Contains(v string) bool {
	defer q.mu.Unlock()
	return q.set[v]

// Peek looks at the last element added to the queue.
func (q *EvictingStringQueue) Peek() string {
	l := len(q.vals)
	// 处理边界条件
	if l == 0 {
		return ""
	// 取最后一个元素
	elem := q.vals[l-1]
	return elem

// PeekAll looks at all the elements in the queue, with the newest first.
func (q *EvictingStringQueue) PeekAll() []string {
	vals := make([]string, len(q.vals))
	copy(vals, q.vals)
	// i 从头开始循环 j 从尾循环
	// 交换 i j 元素位置
	// 数组 reverse
	// 最后插入的在最前面
	for i, j := 0, len(vals)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		vals[i], vals[j] = vals[j], vals[i]
	return vals

// PeekAllSet returns PeekAll as a set.
func (q *EvictingStringQueue) PeekAllSet() map[string]bool {
	all := q.PeekAll()
	set := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, v := range all {
		set[v] = true

	return set

3.3 同步信号量

golang.org/x/sync/semaphore 扩展同步原语。

3.4 Command

3.4.1 CLI 自动补全

Hugo 的使用方式有两种:

// "-config" flag 自动补全指定后缀文件名
_ = cc.cmd.PersistentFlags().SetAnnotation("config", cobra.BashCompFilenameExt, config.ValidConfigFileExtensions)

// "-source" flag 自动补全子文件夹名
cmd.PersistentFlags().SetAnnotation("source", cobra.BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{})

3.5 并发控制

3.5.1 缓冲通道控制并发

// common/para/para.go
// Package para implements parallel execution helpers.
package para

import (


// Workers configures a task executor with the most number of tasks to be executed in parallel.
type Workers struct {
	sem chan struct{}

// Runner wraps the lifecycle methods of a new task set.
// Run wil block until a worker is available or the context is cancelled,
// and then run the given func in a new goroutine.
// Wait will wait for all the running goroutines to finish.
type Runner interface {
	Run(func() error)
	Wait() error

type errGroupRunner struct {
	w   *Workers
	ctx context.Context

func (g *errGroupRunner) Run(fn func() error) {
	select {
	// 分配一个信号, 如果 chan 被关闭则退出
	case g.w.sem <- struct{}{}:
	case <-g.ctx.Done():

	g.Go(func() error {
		err := fn()
		// 执行完后消费信号量, 通过缓存通道保证并发执行的协程数量
		return err

// New creates a new Workers with the given number of workers.
func New(numWorkers int) *Workers {
	return &Workers{
		// 缓冲通道, 并发写入
		sem: make(chan struct{}, numWorkers),

// Start starts a new Runner.
func (w *Workers) Start(ctx context.Context) (Runner, context.Context) {
	g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
	return &errGroupRunner{
		Group: g,
		ctx:   ctx,
		w:     w,
	}, ctx

Playground 测试示例: https://play.golang.org/p/4AJtyVnlSOd

func main() {
	w := para.New(10)
	runner, _ := w.Start(context.TODO())
	runner.Run(func() error {
		return nil
	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

3.6 懒加载

Lazy 包

3.6.1 onceMore

package lazy

import (

// onceMore is similar to sync.Once.
// Additional features are:
// * it can be reset, so the action can be repeated if needed
// * it has methods to check if it's done or in progress
type onceMore struct {
	mu   sync.Mutex
	lock uint32
	done uint32

func (t *onceMore) Do(f func()) {
	if atomic.LoadUint32(&t.done) == 1 {

	// f may call this Do and we would get a deadlock.
	locked := atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&t.lock, 0, 1)
	if !locked {
		// 没有抢到原子操作
	// 释放原子锁
	// defer 是 FILO, 该原子锁会最后才释放
	defer atomic.StoreUint32(&t.lock, 0)

	// 并发锁, 保证 t.done 值的读取不会产生竞争
	defer t.mu.Unlock()

	// Double check
	if t.done == 1 {
	defer atomic.StoreUint32(&t.done, 1)

func (t *onceMore) InProgress() bool {
	return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.lock) == 1

func (t *onceMore) Done() bool {
	return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.done) == 1

func (t *onceMore) ResetWithLock() *sync.Mutex {
	defer atomic.StoreUint32(&t.done, 0)
	return &t.mu

3.6.2 init

package lazy

import (


// New creates a new empty Init.
func New() *Init {
	return &Init{}

// Init holds a graph of lazily initialized dependencies.
type Init struct {
	mu sync.Mutex // 并发修改图的锁

	prev     *Init
	children []*Init

	init onceMore // 保证只执行一次的锁
	out  interface{} // 执行结果
	err  error // 执行错误
	f    func() (interface{}, error) // 回调函数

// Add adds a func as a new child dependency.
func (ini *Init) Add(initFn func() (interface{}, error)) *Init {
	if ini == nil {
		ini = New()
	return ini.add(false, initFn)

// AddWithTimeout is same as Add, but with a timeout that aborts initialization.
func (ini *Init) AddWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration, f func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)) *Init {
	return ini.Add(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return ini.withTimeout(timeout, f)

// Branch creates a new dependency branch based on an existing and adds
// the given dependency as a child.
func (ini *Init) Branch(initFn func() (interface{}, error)) *Init {
	if ini == nil {
		ini = New()
	return ini.add(true, initFn)

// BranchdWithTimeout is same as Branch, but with a timeout.
func (ini *Init) BranchWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration, f func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)) *Init {
	return ini.Branch(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return ini.withTimeout(timeout, f)

// Do initializes the entire dependency graph.
func (ini *Init) Do() (interface{}, error) {
	if ini == nil {
		panic("init is nil")

	// 调用 onceMore 库保证只执行一次
	ini.init.Do(func() {
		// 获取父节点
		prev := ini.prev
		if prev != nil {
			// A branch. Initialize the ancestors.
			// 若父节点还没有完成初始化, 并且没有正在执行的回调函数, 执行
			if prev.shouldInitialize() {
				_, err := prev.Do()
				if err != nil {
					ini.err = err
			} else if prev.inProgress() {
				// Concurrent initialization. The following init func
				// may depend on earlier state, so wait.
				// 等待一定时间, 若没有执行完, panic

		// 执行回调函数
		if ini.f != nil {
			ini.out, ini.err = ini.f()

		// 循环执行子节点的回调函数
		// 为什么不并发执行 ?
		for _, child := range ini.children {
			if child.shouldInitialize() {
				_, err := child.Do()
				if err != nil {
					ini.err = err


	return ini.out, ini.err

// TODO(bep) investigate if we can use sync.Cond for this.
func (ini *Init) wait() {
	var counter time.Duration
	for !ini.init.Done() {
		counter += 10
		if counter > 600000000 {
			panic("BUG: timed out in lazy init")
		time.Sleep(counter * time.Microsecond)

func (ini *Init) inProgress() bool {
	return ini != nil && ini.init.InProgress()

// 若 没有注册了回调函数 | 已经完成 | 正在执行, 不进行初始化
func (ini *Init) shouldInitialize() bool {
	return !(ini == nil || ini.init.Done() || ini.init.InProgress())

// Reset resets the current and all its dependencies.
func (ini *Init) Reset() {
	mu := ini.init.ResetWithLock()
	defer mu.Unlock()
	for _, d := range ini.children {

// 添加图的节点
func (ini *Init) add(branch bool, initFn func() (interface{}, error)) *Init {
	defer ini.mu.Unlock()

	// 如果是新建分支
	if branch {
		return &Init{
			f:    initFn,
			prev: ini, // 父节点

	// 如果是添加子节点
	// 如果已经被执行, panic
	// 添加子节点
	ini.children = append(ini.children, &Init{
		f: initFn,

	// 释放锁
	return ini

func (ini *Init) checkDone() {
	if ini.init.Done() {
		panic("init cannot be added to after it has run")

// callback 函数, 有超时时间
func (ini *Init) withTimeout(timeout time.Duration, f func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
	defer cancel()
	// 缓存通道, 防止阻塞
	c := make(chan verr, 1)

	go func() {
		v, err := f(ctx)
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			c <- verr{v: v, err: err}

	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return nil, errors.New("timed out initializing value. You may have a circular loop in a shortcode, or your site may have resources that take longer to build than the `timeout` limit in your Hugo config file.")
	case ve := <-c:
		return ve.v, ve.err

type verr struct {
	v   interface{}
	err error


[1] Kubernetes 问题定位技巧:分析 ExitCode - imroc.io|roc的博客|Cloud Native|Kubernetes|Go|Golang